I don't know about you but have you noticed that often at a concert there is this one person that alwaye gets on your nerves? Last night it happened to me again, this time at the Umeå Open festival. Me and some friends were enjoying the Fatta Man concert, an initiative for gender equality by some famous dudes, that tries to raise awareness for equality by setting a positive example. What happens is that this guy (Self-reflection? Hello?!) is dancing outrageosly and pushes his way forward to the stage by really ugly hurtful methods, causing the five girls that are standing around, to take a step back in order not to be crushed. He is now standing in the front enjoying his experience while the girl that was standing in the exact same spot, is probably not so happy, but yhea, shit happens, is what I usually would have thought. But I could see the other girls irritation and I could defenitely feel mine and the absurdity of the situation hits me like a blow; here we are at a concert raising awareness for gender equality and this guy, this guy... And I am hit by a wave of anger, it is as though a holy rage has come over me and I feel an absolute need to hit him. I don't know about you but when I get so angry that I can't control myself I start crying. This was not a favourable position for me, standing there with my tears running, wanting a confrontation and shit! Now my contacts had fallen out, pushed out by me constant stream of tears. I collect them and push my way through the crowd to the bathroom to put them back in. After having done that and explaind the very comic situation to the woman next to me I head back to the battle field, strengthened by the knowledge that I am in control of my anger and my tears. He is still at it, ruining the night for those girls and I think enough is enough and start doing what he does. I dance uncontrollably and push my way towards the fence, find a hole in the crowd and make sure that I completly block him out. He looks at me and says something that I can't be bothered to figure out what it was. But I make sure to not give him any space so that he has to realise his defeat and leave the spot to me, so that I can give it back, while he goes to defend his honour by acting the same way at another spot. But I dare say that I won that fight and the other girls around looked as content as I felt. Maybe next time one of them will do it for me when I don't have the power to. I certainly hope so.