How is it that when we are coming to the end of the road of a given situation, that has been trying, but not all together bad, that we cease to see the good things and easily get caught up in negative emotions? I had, for example, been living in a place for a year or so and had quiet like it. But it wasn't perfect, so I started looking for some place new and when I had signed the lease for the new place I just couldn't get out of there fast enough. Everything, big or small, annoyed me. I think the same thing often happens in a relationship, the things that we would put up with before, are so difficult to tolerate at the end, when a final decision to cut the ties has been made. Maybe it has to do with the fear of something new. When we are breaking up with someone that we love we somehow have to motivate to ourselves that we are doing the right thing. So we give room to the negative things, possibly hurt the other partner even more, so that nothing new can be built out of the ashes and the moving forward is inevitable. To avoid destructive endings we therefore have to, by all means, try to avoid getting caught in the heat of the moment and see it for what it is. The end of one thing and the start of something else.
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